Che Guevara was an homophobic, racist, evil murderer and ofcourse a radical marxist zealot. He idolized the Soviet Union and often told others that he wanted to see the destruction of democracy and collective liberty of the United States and Western Nations.

He openly mocked black people. He jailed and executed homosexuals. He killed many people with a smile on his face.

Che oversaw the deaths of many thousands of men, women and yes children. He ascribed to a Stalin like purge to prevent any notion of uprising. He even shot in cold blood one of his closet comrade among his fellow guerillas, only because he dreamed that there was a chance that he wasn't 100% loyal.

There was no fair trials for Che Guevara's victims. He summarily executed thousands of people on the basis that they were guilty because of their families, relatives and jobs that they held before Castro took over Cuba.

Guevara hoped for a nuclear war that would destroy the United States. He said "what we affirm that we must proceed along the path of liberation even if this costs millions of atomic victims." He purportedly celebrated the death of President Kennedy.

Che Guevara hated the idea of democracy, capitalism and personal liberty. He opposed any sort of "Bill of Rights" in favor of communist ideology that puts governmental control over individual or collective liberty. He argued vehemently against freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and protest. He also opposed music like rock and roll - saying that it was a product of capitalistic "bourgeois".

Interesting thing is he also died like a coward. His famous last words were not the as reported, "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, you are only going to kill a man." This is not true. Evidence shows that author John Lee Anderson likely invented those words.

According to the CIA working with Bolivian government, Che's real last words painted quite a different image. He wept and plead for his life. He said, "Do not shoot. I'm Che Guevara and worth more alive than dead."

After he was executed, the Bolivians took photos of his remains. They spread the photos through the media. His hands were also(supposedly) later amputated for identification process.

After his death, Che's remains were cremated. They didn't want Communists to obtain and use his body as a symbol of their revolution or martyrdom.

Unfortunately, Communists coerced many weak minded people into believing that Che was some sort of hero. They romanticized his "Motorcycle Dairies" in reality, his motorcycle broke down early during his trip and he didn't know how to fix it.

Most of the people who wear shirts or hang up posters with his image are obvious to the harsh reality of just how evil this man was.